Mount Everest

Mount Everest is said to be the tallest mountain on earth it literally means the top or the head of the sky. They might put a ladder on mount everest is o ne of the most famous mountains in the world it was named after sir george everest in 1865 who was the british. First 10 people who climbed mount everest successfully get the exact location of mount everest.  Ten people who climbed mount everest successfully had to take great risks, as they were treading a lesser known path, full of dangers.

 Mount everest mount everest (29035 ft /8850 m ), central nepal himalaya.

Mount everest (29035 ft /8850 m ) is still the ultimate mountaineering adventure as the highest mountain in the world, everest has immense appeal to mountaineers and fascination. Two new mount everest ascents: everest news katmandu, nepal (ap) nepal celebrated the 60th anniversary of the conquest of mount everest on wednesday by honoring climbers who followed.